
わたしたちは、 生を授かっている私たち一人一人が、かけがえのない祝福された命と気づき、思い描いたように人生を創造していく力を持っているということを、お伝えするために存在しています。


ALPHA Ceo Rosemary              


What I would like to tell you on a regular basis is that the souls of those who have life are connected, that each of us is irreplaceable, and that all of us are blessed.

We are never alone at any time. I myself will always and forever love you with all my heart. Whenever you feel lonely, please remember me. I send you the power of my love.

Also, please believe in the truth that each of us has the power to create our own life as we see fit. Of course, you have that power too.” Based on what?” you may feel. But instead of stopping to think about it, choose to embrace this life and move forward with a richness that is as supple as dancing and as rich as singing.

May we walk together in a life where we can appreciate ourselves as we are, as beautiful as we are.

Love and Light
Alfa CEO Rosemary